Book 1761 Part 2 by Herb Zinser
Advanced Sky Watching ..... of secret language codes of LIVING atomic high-rise apartment buildings and their
Spanish language ..... COMPUTER EARTH existence data processing ....spanned data record formats ......
per Carl Jung collective data ...GROUP MIND and
Francisco de Goya canvas ..the Colossus
that shows a giant in
that shows a giant in
that shows a giant in
that shows a giant in
that shows a giant in
that shows a giant in
that shows a giant in
that shows a giant in
that shows a giant in Nikola Tesla ....
Wardenclyffe Towers bandwidths
and messenger bandits
.....Bonnie and Clyde
The Colossus (also known as The Giant), is known in Spanish as El Coloso and also El Gigante (The Giant), El Pánico (The Panic) and La Tormenta (The Storm).[2]
It is a painting traditionally attributed to
IBM ..... Francisco de Goya..... IF then else logic display .....
that shows a giant in the centre of the canvas walking towards the left hand side of the picture. Mountains obscure his legs up to his thighs and clouds surround his body; the giant appears to be adopting an aggressive posture as he is holding one of his fists up at shoulder height.
A dark valley containing a crowd of people and herds of cattle fleeing in all directions occupies the lower third of the painting
...Goya --> G ravity code --> .667 = 2/3).
The painting became the property of Goya's son, Javier Goya, in 1812.
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